Veterans Service Partnership

Veterans Service Partnership

Please feel free to use any resources posted to this page. There are VSP program guides, veteran & veteran services contact information, demographics, and other program assists contained herein. Please feel free to add information that has proved helpful at your VSP events which will benefit us all. Most of us have VSP Teams who provide this program to one extent or another for the benefit of our communities’ veterans.

The VSP page was created to be a resource at the state level to help foster and support this important work in chapters and communities across the state. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Bill Nolan, PATU’s Chair of the Veterans Service Partnership at [email protected], or Keith Angstadt at [email protected] to talk about your unique situation so that we might help support you with resources catered to your specific needs. You may also find more information on our Facebook page..

Resources for Working with TU Chapters:
Veterans Service Partnership Program Guide
National TU Resources Guide
TU Veterans Services Partnership Program Guide 2016
Teaching Fly Fishing Online Resource
TU VSP VA Alliance presentation
Sample VSP Program Application Form for Chapter Use
Complimentary Membership Form for Chapter VSP Participants
Veterans Services Partnership Logo (jpg.)
Veterans Service Partnership Flyer (pdf)