2024 PATU Annual Meeting
Date: September 14, 2024 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
Save the date for the 2024 PATU Annual Meeting!

Two ways to register online: 1. To register and pay via credit card, follow the link above and select the “Credit Card Only” ticket type then enter your information.2. To register online but pay via check or money order, follow the link above but select the “Check or Money Order” ticket type. Once you have filled in your registration information, print your registration confirmation and mail it with a check made out to “PA Trout” to PA Council of Trout Unlimited, PO Box 5148, Bellefonte, PA 16823. Please put “2024 annual meeting” in the memo field. Checks must be received by September 4; please allow enough time for mail delivery by that date.
Lodging – Below are a few of the lodging options that are within a few minutes drive of the Annual Meeting venue for those who are planning to stay overnight. You must make your reservation directly with your preferred lodging provider.Gamble Farm Inn & Suites 311 N. Main St.
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
570-398-7275Cedar Run Inn 281 Beulahland Road
Cedar Run, PA
570-353-0241Camping is available at: Little Pine State Park 4295 Little Pine Creek Road
Waterville, PA
888-727-2757Happy Acres 3332 Little Pine Creek Road
Waterville, PA
Register today!
Annual Awards – PATU wouldn’t be what we are without our wonderful chapters and volunteers. The annual awards are the perfect time to recognize the good work being done by chapters and individuals across the state. Please submit nominations by August 31!
Additional Award Criteria & Nomination Information
Award Descriptions:
Edward Urbas Award for Best PA Chapter: Award given to the chapter that best exemplifies the work of TU, including involvement in conservation efforts, community activities, outreach, youth activities, etc.Best Small Chapter: Same criteria as Edward Urbas Award but limited to chapters with 150 or fewer members.Best Chapter Project: Award recognizes an exceptional initiative, project, or effort on the part of a TU chapter which demonstrates efficient use of resources and which utilizes effective partnerships with other organizations such as government agencies, other non-profits, schools, etc., and which had a notable impact on the community and/or environment.Doc Fritchey Award for Outstanding Coldwater Conservationist TU Member: Award recognizes a TU member with a history of exemplifying PATU’s core values and mission- conserving, protecting, and restoring PA’s coldwater fisheries and watersheds and who demonstrates a commitment to volunteerism.Outstanding Coldwater Conservationist-Professional: Award recognizes an individual, either from a governmental agency, private enterprise, or non-profit organization who has made an exceptional effort to help fulfill the TU mission of conserving, protecting, restoring and sustaining PA’s coldwater fisheries and watersheds.Outstanding Volunteer: Award recognizes a person who, while not necessarily a member of TU or a conservationist professional, was particularly helpful and who contributed time and effort to supporting a TU chapter or project. Their efforts on either a single project or on an ongoing basis can be considered and described in the nomination.Best Chapter Website: Award recognizes a TU chapter’s website that is attractive, clear, up-to-date and easy to navigateSamuel Slaymaker Award for Best Chapter Newsletter: Award recognizes a TU chapter’s newsletter which includes information about said chapter’s activities that is current, well-presented and clear, and visually attractive.Dr. Jack Beck Award for Outstanding Youth Outreach: Award recognizes an individual who has shown exceptional leadership and commitment to youth outreach, programs, and activities.Ken Sink Award to Outstanding Service to PATU: Award is given to a person who contributes to PATU’s mission in a notable way. It is intended to recognize a person who had been involved for a significant period of time and who has demonstrated steadfast dedication to coldwater conservation, protection, restoration, as well as volunteerism and leadership. It is not necessarily presented every year.Inky Moore Award for Outstanding Service to State Council: Award recognizes a person through his or her recent efforts, shows promise as a future leader of the organization. PATU board and/or council members must make nominations.Diversity Award: This award recognizes a chapter that is engaged in adding diversity among the members in the chapter. It is important that chapters ensure that youth, women, and men take an active part in TU chapters. This ensures that TU chapters are able to carry on and it allows experienced chapter members to cultivate knowledge to new members. But it is also important that all members bring a voice to the chapter to ensure forward momentum.Additional Award Criteria & Nomination Information