Monthly Archives: November 2020

Protecting PA’s streams – from assessment through regulation

For the past 10-plus years, Trout Unlimited staff have been working in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission with additional funding from the Foundation for PA Watersheds, the Heinz Endowment, and others to complete Unassessed Waters surveys in streams across the state. These assessments are targeted using a variety of factors, including geographic…

TU Youth Camp now accepting applications for 2021

The Cumberland Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited is now accepting applications for the 2021 Rivers Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp to be held June 20-25 at Messiah University in Cumberland County. The early acceptance period deadline is December 31. The 2020 Camp was not held due to the COVID pandemic.  Applicants who applied for the 2020 camp will be automatically…

PFBC now accepting grant applications to improve Sinnemahoning Creek

On November 2, the Fish and Boat Commission announced it was accepting applications for grants under the Sinnemahoning Creek Watershed Restoration Program.  The deadline to apply is January 23. Project applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and must use the application form specified in the grant application package.  The PFBC anticipates final selection and public announcement of grant awards…