Monthly Archives: July 2023

PFBC awards R3 grants to support 15 education projects in PA

HARRISBURG, Pa. (July 17) — The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has awarded $187,625 in grant funding to support 15 education projects in 11 counties that foster interest in fishing and boating in Pennsylvania through the R3 (recruitment, retention, and reactivation) Education Grant Program. Two statewide projects were also awarded. The R3 grants are awarded…

We’re Hiring! – Conservation Communications Coordinator

We’re Hiring! – Conservation Communications Coordinator Position Summary: The Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) is seeking a reliable and energetic person with strong communication and social skills to facilitate and improve our internal and external communications and help recruit, retain, and reactivate members across Pennsylvania. This full-time position includes lead responsibility for managing PATU’s…