Great Lakes and Western PA Advocacy 101 Video
“Interested in being a more effective advocate on issues that affect the places you love to fish, explore, and enjoy? Join professional advocacy staff from Trout Unlimited for an introduction to grassroot tactics and tools you can use to conserve and protect your favorite outdoor pursuits in the Great Lakes region and Western PA. We…
PATU Officer Nominations are being Accepted up to and during the Annual Meeting
Nominations are being accepted for the following Officer positions up to and during the Annual Meeting: According to Article VII, Section 2 of the By-Laws: “The candidates for election to Council office shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee appointed by the President prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall not consist…
Hokendauqua Chapter is Looking for Youth Day Volunteers
The Hokendauqua Chapter of Trout Unlimited needs YOUR help! What: Jake’s Youth Field Day at Ontelaunee Rod & Gun Club; assisting youth ages 8 – 16 (Spin fishing) Where: Ontelaunee Rod and Gun Club, 8100 Gun Club Road, New Tripoli, PA When: Saturday, August 6, 2022, be at the pond by 7:30 a.m. The event concludes at 4:00 p.m. Volunteers…
Perkiomen Valley Chapter Recognized by Berks County Conservation District as “Organization of the Year”
Berks County Conservation District’s (BCCD) Conservation Service Individual or Organization of the Year Award is given to the individual or organization that has made an exceptional contribution to the conservation of Berks County’s soil, water and related natural resources; and without their contributions the quality of the natural resources of the County would be diminished.…
Nominations for PATU Awards Deadline Extended to August 31st
The following awards will be handed out during the September 2022 Annual Meeting Edward Urbas Award for Best PA Chapter:Award given to the chapter that best exemplifies the work of TU, including involvement in conservation efforts, community activities, outreach, youth activities, etc. Best Small Chapter:Same criteria as Edward Urbas Award but limited to chapters with…
Annual Meeting Registration is now Available!
The Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at Lambert Hall in Bellefonte, PA. Please join us to hear updates regarding PATU programs and partnerships, participate in elections, learn about advocacy opportunities, hear from special guest speakers, and maybe even win some prizes during the raffle. Cost is $40 per person.…
PATU Merchandise Available for Purchase at Annual Meeting
We will have a complete selection of our PATU merchandise collection available for purchase at our Annual Meeting.…ultralight and travel fly rods, custom-tied leaders, “Back the Brookie” license plates, “Catch & Release” license plate frames, T-shirts, hats, and a number of books on PA fly fishing. Payment for merchandise can be made by cash, check…
Raffle Prize Donations Needed for Annual Meeting
As in the past, we are inviting all chapters to donate a prize for our raffle to be conducted at the Annual Meeting on September 17. We would welcome donations of gear, fishing trips, art, books, or anything that you think would appeal to those who will be attending the meeting. If you’re planning to…
We Need Your Opinion! Fill Out the PATU Community Survey
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE COMMUNITY SURVEY Results will be shared at the September 2022 Annual Meeting.
PATU is Seeking a Development Committee Chairperson
PA Council of Trout Unlimited is looking for a Development Committee Chairperson. Committees form the backbone of our Council, developing a variety of programs and policies which are adopted by the Executive Committee for dissemination to our chapters and other organizations when appropriate. The Development Committee assumes the primary responsibility for matters pertaining to fundraising…
YouTube Video: How To Tie A Fishing Knot
Join Justin Schillaci, Clearfield County WCO, and Hunter Shoemaker, Lycoming County WCO, in learning how to tie the improved clinch knot.
Susquehanna Chapter: Honoring a Great Man and Friend
“As we go through life, we meet many people. Some will become friends, colleagues, teachers, and someone you can get advice from and always turn to. Occasionally, we are fortunate to meet someone who meets all the above and influences us and in one way or another. I would like to introduce you to one…
Nominations for PATU Awards Deadline is July 30th
The following awards will be handed out during the September 2022 Annual Meeting Edward Urbas Award for Best PA Chapter:Award given to the chapter that best exemplifies the work of TU, including involvement in conservation efforts, community activities, outreach, youth activities, etc. Best Small Chapter:Same criteria as Edward Urbas Award but limited to chapters with…
Microbes Clean Pollution from Pennsylvania Abandoned Mines
“The coal mining industry in Pennsylvania left behind a legacy of abandoned mines that continue to pollute rivers and streams with acid mine discharge. Penn State professors Jennifer Macalady and Bill Burgos lead an interdisciplinary team researching newly discovered microbes capable of rapid removal of toxic metals in acidic environments. The researchers believe that a…
Doc Fritchey Chapter is Setting the Pace in Restoring PA Coldwater Resources
“My mission in our chapter’s footprint is to restore as many of the streams as possible. The focus of this effort right now is on Lebanon County because it is a tier two county according to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and needs special attention. The impact of climate change is generally manifested in more frequent…